Für unseren geliebten Opa, der nach kurzer aber sehr schwerer Krankheit am 17. 08. 2007 friedlich bei uns zu Hause einschlafen durfte. Auch er liebte die Tiere über alles. Auch ohne große Reden haben wir uns verstanden. Vielleicht sehen wir uns später wieder, maybe...
Deep inside the forest is a door into another land
Here, is our life and home....
We are stayin', here forever in the beauty of this place
All alone....
We keep on hopin'
Maybe, there's a world where we don't have to run and
Maybe, there's a time we'll call our own
Livin' free in harmony and majesty....
Take me home, take me home
Walkin' through the land where ev'ry living thing is beautiful
Why, does it have to end...
We are calling...
Oh so sadly on the whispers of the wind
As we send....
A dying message
Maybe, there's a world where we don't have to run and
Maybe, there's a time we'll call our own
Livin' free in harmony and majesty....
Take me home, take me home...